Xen is back!
131 words, 1 minutes
After a few month of VMware ESXi testings, the whole LAN is back to NetBSD/xen!
There were a few annoying purple screen, solved by moving the virtual machines from the NFS server to the local ESX storage. Still, NetBSD instances seemed quite slow. Now that Jean-Yves Migeon has included support for speedstep there were no real reasons not to switch back to NetBSD/xen.
It’s still in beta installation because dom0 runs from a 2GB SD-card (and don’t host the VM) and it reboots since I try to start a domU located on the NFS server… hum hum… The only vital domU is hosted on the SD-card until I find it running well for a few days and format the local dom0 storage to host the domU (and probably the dom0 too).