Debian Linux on Asus Eee PC 701
228 words, 2 minutes
Those are my quick notes to install Debian Linux (Lenny) on my Eee PC 701 (with Touchscreen panel).
Grab and burn the “businesscard” ISO file.
Boot it.
Choose language and keyboard settings.
Configure the network.
Partition the HD as follow:
- “manual” method
- create a 16MB partition (for
Boot Booster
) at the beginning of the disk and don’t use it. - Create an EXT3 partition (with noatime flag) for “/” on the SSD.
- Create an EXT2 partition (with noatime flag) for “/home” on the SD card.
Ack the “no swap” warning.
Set root password and create the default user.
Deselect everything in “tasksel” ; we’ll install things by hand later on.
Install grub and reboot.
Boot in single user mode, run cfdisk
and configure /dev/sda1
as “EFI (FAT-12/16/32)
” partition type (EF
). This enables BIOS Boot Booster.
Install sudo
# apt-get install sudo
Configure “Hibernation without SWAP partition”:
- Create the swap file
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap bs=1024k count=512
# mkswap /swap
- Modify
# /swap swap swap defaults 0 0
- Modify
# vm.swappiness=1
- Activate the swap
# swapon /swap
- Install uswsusp
# aptitude install uswsusp
- Test running
and use the power button to wake up.
Install X :
# aptitude install –without-recommends xinit xserver-xorg-video-intel xserver-xorg-input-synaptics xserver-xorg-input-kbd xserver-xorg-input-mouse xfonts-base libgl1-mesa-dri xterm <del>mesa-utils</del>
Configure X :
# dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
Install awesomewm
- DebianEeePCHowToInstall
- DebianEeePCTipsAndTricks
- HibernationHibernate_Without_Swap_Partition
- Booting Debian in 14 seconds